International Rescue Committee
Refugee Resettlement Intern

During the summer of 2019 I had the pleasure of interning with the IRC. This was a truly eye opening experiences and one of the most valuable learning opportunities throughout my college experience. As a resettlement intern, I collaborated directly with caseworkers and operated under the supervision of the senior caseworkers. My day to day tasks included taking clients to appointments, ensuring they were receiving welfare benefits such as foodstamps and medical care, and aiding them in integrating into life in urban America. This internship was particularly special as it allowed me to aid in the capacity building of an incredibly underserved community.
While in this position, I had extensive opportunities to develop my cross cultural communication skills. Working with clients from diverse backgrounds who spoke a variety of languages offered many instances in which we had to work through situations to achieve effective communication. Additionally, I learned the value of flexibility. Each day brought a variety of new adversities. Within social work, there are many unpredictable challenges in day to day life. As a result, I was challenged to be resourceful, open minded, and collaborative to work through these issues. With each day, I attempted to be the strongest advocate possible for this underserved community.