European Studies
As an international studies major, I had the opportunity to explore European studies through a survey of coursework as well as a semester abroad. This academic focus put a large emphasis on Eastern European history particularly as it pertains to socialism and communism.
Completing a minor in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA) has offered a wealth of knowledge reaching beyond international studies and more specifically to aid systems. The coursework completed in this area included courses in comparative world agriculture, international development policy, and international humanitarian assistance. Through these classes I was able to explore future career pathways such as working with NGOs. Infact, it was in my International Humanitarian Assistance class that I first leaned of the International Rescue Committee, an NGO I later interned with.
Throughout my undergraduate experience I have had significant exposure to working with non profits. My most significant experience being the summer semester I spent in India partnering with and learning from 18 different NGOS. In Gainesville, I have worked with a wide variety of community actors. This included volunteering at PACE Center for Girls, Sitting on the board for Strong Roots Movement and much more. Notably, in 2019 I attended a conference on community engagement entitled Assembly for Action. This program focused on developing programming for local non profits and workshops on grant writing.
My Junior year of college I declared a second minor, dance. While much of my involvement regarding dance was extracurricular, completing this minor provided a more formal training with an emphasis in choreography and international dance. Much of my course work involved composition. During these classes I had the chance to collaborate with others and gain valuable team building skills in addition to methods of collaborating particularly as it pertains to organization and creative visions. Please feel free to read more about my extracurricular dance involvement here.